

单词 Deportation
释义 遞解離境
The process whereby the competent authorities require a person to leave Hong Kong and prohibit him from being in Hong Kong at any time thereafter: Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115). Deportation may be ordered against immigrant who has been found guilty in Hong Kong of an offence punishable with imprisonment for not less than two years, or when the Governor deems the deportation to be conducive to the public good: Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) s 20(1). Deportation should be distinguished from extradition: Meng Ching Hai v A-G [1990] 2 HKC 9, [1991] 1 HKLR 535 (CA). See also Alien; Deportation order; Extradition.
主管當局規定有關人士離開香港,並禁止他在以後任何時間留在香港之程序:《入境條例》(第115章)。如入境者在香港已被裁定犯可處以不少於2年監禁的罪行,或行政長官認為遞解該人離境對公眾有利,則可針對有關入境者發出遞解離境令:《入境條例》(第115章)第20(1)條。遞解離境與引渡有別:Meng Ching Hai v A-G [1990] 2 HKC 9, [1991] 1 HKLR 535(上訴法庭)。另見 Alien; Deportation order; Extradition。n.




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