

单词 Bailor's remedies
释义 寄託人的補救
The right of a bailor to damages for negligence on the part of the bailee where the bailed chattels are lost or damaged owing to absence of reasonable care on the part of the bailee, or in trespass, conversion, detinue, or replevin for unauthorised use of the bailed chattels by the bailee: Capital Finance Co Ltd v Bray [1964] 1 All ER 603, 1 WLR 323 (CA), Morris v CW Martin & Sons Ltd [1965] 2 All ER 725, [1966] 1 QB 716 (CA), He-ro Chemicals Ltd v Jeuro Container Transport (HK) Ltd [1993] 2 HKC 368 (HC). Furthermore, a bailor has an action against the bailee for non-delivery or knowing misdelivery of the bailed chattels at the end of the bailment and ancillary loss: British Crane Hire Corporation Ltd v Ipswich Plant Hire Ltd [1974] 1 All ER 1059, [1975] QB 303 (CA). Where the bailor has no immediate right to possession, the bailor’s relief under the general law is by way of an ‘action on the case’ for special damage of a permanent kind to the chattel: Moukataff v BOAC [1967] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 396. See also Bailment; Carrier; Conversion; Detinue; Replevin; Trespass to chattels.
如受寄人未有合理謹慎地行事以致寄託的實產遺失或蒙受損害,寄託人有權以受寄人的疏忽為理由提出訴訟申索賠償;又如受寄人未經批准擅自使用所寄託的實產,寄託人有權以侵犯、侵佔、要求歸還扣留物或追回原物為理由向受寄人提出訴訟申索賠償。Capital Finance Co Ltd v Bray [1964] 1 All ER 603,1 WLR 323 (英國上訴法院), Morris v CW Martin & Sons Ltd [1966] 1 QB 716(英國上訴法院),He-ro Chemicals Ltd v Jeuro Container Transport (HK) Ltd [1993] 2 HKC 368 (高等法院)。此外,寄託人可針對受寄人未有在寄託完結時付還寄託貨物,或明知而錯誤地交付所寄託的貨物以及針對隨此而來的損失,提起訴訟:British Crane Hire Corporation Ltd v Ipswitch Plant Hire Ltd [1974] 1 All ER 1059, [1975] QB 303 (英國上訴法院)。倘若寄託人沒有貨物的即時管有權,則寄託人可根據一般法律的「基於有關個案的訴訟」而可獲得針對有關實物蒙受永久而非暫時的特別損害的濟助:Moukataff v BOAC [1967] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 396。另見 Bailment; Carrier; Conversion; Detinue; Replevin; Trespass to chattels。




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