

单词 Election expenses
释义 選舉開支
Expenses incurred or to be incurred, before, during or after the election period, by or on behalf of a candidate or group of candidates for the purpose of promoting the election of the candidate or group; or prejudicing the election of another candidate or group. Such expenses include the value of election donations consisting of goods and services used for election purpose: Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap 554) s 2. Each candidate at an election must lodge with the appropriate authority an election return setting out election expenses at the election; and all election donations received by or on behalf of the candidate in connection with the election: s 37. The object of the limitation on election expenses is to put all candidates in an election on equal financial footing to prevent political candidates from obtaining support for their candidature with lavish expenditure of money and not on their own merits or the justice of their cause which is a fundamental and cardinal principle in any fair, just and open election: Re Sai Kung Constituency Regional Council Election, ex p Leung Kam Ho Gilbert [1994] 3 HKC 544 (HC).
指在選舉期間前、在選舉期間內或在選舉期間後,由候選人或候選人組合或由他人代該候選人或該候選人組合為促使該候選人或該候選人組合當選;或為阻礙另一候選人或另一候選人組合當選,而招致或將招致的開支。此等開支包括包含貨品及服務而用於上述用途的選舉捐贈的價值:《選舉(舞弊及非法行為)條例》(第554章)第2條。在選舉中的每名候選人必須向有關主管當局提交選舉申報書,列出該候選人在該項選舉中的選舉開支;及曾由該候選人或由他人代該候選人在與該項選舉有關連的情況下收取的所有選舉捐贈:第37條。限制選舉開支的目的是使所有候選人在選舉中擁有相等的財政基礎,以防止政治候選人為取得其獲選資格的支持而浪費大量金錢,此外,在任何公平、公正及公開的選舉中,應憑藉基本的原則進行選舉,即本身的長處或以公正的主張為其選舉地位爭取支持:Re Sai Kung Constituency Regional Council Election, ex p Leung Kam Ho Gilbert [1994] 3 HKC 544 (高等法院)。




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