

单词 Separate legal personality
释义 獨立法律人格
The distinct legal existence of an incorporated body apart from the individuals who are from time to time its members: Salomon v A Salomon and Co Ltd [1897] AC 22, [1895-99] All ER Rep. 33. This means that a company is an artificial person having perpetual succession, notwithstanding change of membership or death of a member. It has the capacity and the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person (Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 5A) and may do anything which it is permitted or required to do by its memorandum or by any enactment or rule of law. For examples, a company (a) may acquire, hold and dispose of properties (subject to any legislative provisions) and (b) may sue and be sued in its own name. An act of a company is not invalid by reason only that the act is unauthorised or expressly excluded or modified by its memorandum: s 5B. Although a company cannot be committed to imprisonment (Re Hooley, ex p Hooley (1899) 79 LT 706), it can be guilty of contempt of court and a fine can be imposed (R v Lo Sau King & Ors (1956) 40 HKLR 26). See also Corporate capacity; Corporation; Incorporation.
具法團地位的機構的獨特法律存在性質,除間或是公司成員的個人之外:Salomon v A Salomon and Co Ltd [1897] AC 22; [1895-99] All ER Rep. 33。即不論成員改變或死亡,公司是可永久延續的非自然人。任何公司均具有自然人的身分以及自然人的權利、權力及特權(《公司條例》(第32章)第5A條),及可作出任何憑藉其章程大綱或任何成文法則或法律規則准予或規定的行事。例如公司 (a) 可取得、持有及處置財物(受制於任何立法條文)及 (b) 可以本身的名義起訴或被起訴。如公司的章程大綱沒有授權或明示排除或修改一項公司行為,則不可僅因此而使該行為無效:第5B條。儘管公司不可被交付監獄(Re Hooley, ex p Hooley (1899) 79 LT 706) ,但可犯藐視法庭罪及可被加諸罰款 (R v Lo Sau King (1956) 40 HKLR 26)。 另見 Corporate capacity; Corporation; Incorporation。




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