

单词 Leave to serve
释义 送達許可
Permission granted by a court to serve a writ or summons or other specie of originating process upon a party to an action. Most commonly the permission is sought and given to serve by means of substituted service or to serve process out of jurisdiction in special circumstances. For circumstances in which leave to serve out of jurisdiction is required: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 11 rr 1(1), 4. See also Originating process; Service by post; Service outside jurisdiction; Substituted service; Summons.
法庭批准將原訴法律程序文件的令狀或傳票或其他形式送達至訴訟中的一方。最常見的是尋求批准,並作出批准以替代送達的方式送達,或在特殊情況下,在司法管轄權範圍外將法律程序文件送達予人。就須在司法管轄權範圍外送達令狀的情況:高等法院規則(第4A章)第11號命令第1條(1)、第4條規則。另見 Originating process; Service by post; Service outside jurisdiction; Substituted service; Summons。




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