

单词 Ignorance
释义 不知情
A lack of knowledge.
Criminal law - A common law and statutory principle that no person will be excused from liability because of ignorance of the law. The principle operates in relation to the general law and not in relation to a private right. There are exceptions to this doctrine, such as in property offence where an accused mistakenly believes he or she has a claim of right or when the law has not been published. Therefore, ignorance of the law is not a defence or an excuse or relieve from the consequences of a crime (Churchill v Walton [1967] 2 AC 224, 1 All ER 497 (HL)) or from liability under a contract (Cooper v Phibbs (1867) LR 2 HL 149). Ignorance of the law may in certain circumstances amount to inadvertence: Wong Yee Him v S-J (HCMP 611/2000, unreported). Where the justification alleged for a prosecution shows a gross ignorance of law, malice may be inferred by any jury: Brooks v Warwick (1818) 2 Stark 389. See also Claim of right.
Restitution - A person’s lack of knowledge (1) that another person has received an enrichment at the first person’s expense; for example, a person unaware of money being taken out of his purse by a thief; or (2) of factors relevant to his decision to transfer an asset to another person; for example, company funds siphoned off by a trusted director acting dishonestly. In the former case, at the time of its receipt by the defendant, the enrichment or property traceably belongs to the claimant, the defendant may be liable to pay to the claimant the value of the property received: Lipkin Gorman (A Firm) v Karpnale Ltd [1991] 2 AC 548 (HL). In the latter case, the ignorance of the provider of an enrichment may provide a justification for restitution of the enrichment on the ground of mistake: Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Lincoln City Council [1999] 2 AC 349 (HL). Ignorance may include forgetting that the payment sought to be recovered had already been made: Lady Hood of Avalon v Mackinnon [1909] 1 Ch 476. See also Absence of intention to benefit; Mistake; Unjust enrichment; Unjust factor.
刑法 - 在普通法及法定原則下,無人會因為對法律不知情而被免除法律責任。此等原則適用於一般的法律而非私人權利。但有若干例外情況,例如在財產罪行而言,如被控人錯誤地相信他或她有作出申索的權利,或有關法律未經公佈,則可免除法律責任。因此,對法律不知情並非抗辯理由、辯解、作為刑事罪之後果的寬免(Churchill v Walton [1967] 2 AC 224 1 All ER 497(上議院))或作為合約項下法律責任的寬免(Cooper v Phibbs (1867) LR 2 HL 149)。在若干情況下對法律不知情相當於粗心大意:Wong Yee Him v S-J(高院雜項案件2000年第611號,未經彙報):凡控方指稱的理據顯示出對法律嚴重不佑情,則陪審團可推斷有惡意:Brooks v Warwick (1818) 2 Stark 389。另見 Claim of right。
復原 - 一人對下列的事項所知不足:(1)另一人以該人受損害的情況下取得不正當的收益;例如某人未有察覺賊人從他的錢包取去金錢;或(2)與轉移資產予另一人有關的決定因素:例如公司的資金被受信託的董事不誠實地抽取。在(1)的情況下,被告人在收取之際,有關的不正當的收益或財產可予以索究,並歸屬於申索人,被告人可能有償付已收取之財物的價值予申索人的法律責任:Lipkin Gorman (A Firm) v Karpnale Ltd [1991] 2 AC 548(上議院)。在(2)的情況下,不正當的收益的提供者的不知情可以錯誤為理由作為復原不正當的收益的理據:Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Lincoln City Council [1999] 2 AC 349(上議院)。不知情可包括擬尋求追討的款項實際上已付:Lady Hood of Avalon v Mackinnon [1909] 1 Ch 476。另見 Absence of intention to benefit; Mistake; Unjust enrichment; Unjust factor。n.




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