

单词 Intestacy rules
释义 無遺囑遺產分配規則
The statutory rules governing the distribution of property of an intestate estate domiciled in Hong Kong. For the intestate who died on or after 7 October 1971, the statutory rules are based on the Intestate’s Estates Ordinance (Cap 73). For the Chinese intestate who died before 7 October 1971, the applicable rules are largely based on the Chinese law and custom as at 1843: Suen Toi Lee v Yau Yee Ping [2002] 1 HKLRD 197 (CFA). See also Intestate.
管轄居籍香港的無遺囑遺產之財物分配法定規則。在1971年10月7日或以後去世的未立遺囑者,法定規則:《無遺囑者遺產條例》(第73章)。1971年10月7 日前去世的華人,適用的規則以1843年之中國法律與習俗為依據:Suen Toi Lee v Yau Yee Ping [2002] 1 HKLRD 197(終審法院)。另見 Intestate




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