

单词 Want of prosecution
释义 訴訟程序中無人作出行動
Failure on the part of the plaintiff to serve a statement of claim (The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 19 r 1; Greek City Co Ltd v Demetriou (t/a Spectron Electronics), Greek City Co Ltd v Athanasiou (t/a Alpha Alpha Electrical Contractors) [1983] 2 All ER 921); to discover or produce documents (O 24 r 16(1); Tze Yim v Richardson Greenshields of Canada (Pacific) Ltd [1991] 1 HKC 15 (CA)); to take out a summons for directions either in an ordinary action in the Court of First Instance (O 25 r 1(4), (5); Sternberg v Hammond [1968] 2 QB 229, 1 All ER 543 (CA)) or in an action transferred from the District Court (O 78 r 5(2)); to answer interrogatories (O 26 r 6(1)); to set an action down for trial (O 34 r 2; Barbuda Enterprises Ltd v A-G of Antigua and Barbuda [1993] 1 WLR 1052 (PC)); or to lodge preliminary acts in an Admiralty action (O 75 r 19(1)), resulting in the dismissal of proceedings. In addition to these express provisions, the court has an inherent jurisdiction to dismiss an action for want of prosecution where there has been prolonged or inordinate and inexcusable delay in the prosecution of the action causing or likely to cause serious prejudice to the defendant or giving rise to a substantial risk that a fair trial would not be possible: Department of Transport v Chris Smaller (Transport) Ltd [1989] AC 1197, 1 All ER 897 (HL); Cheung Sau Chu Rosanna v Li Kwok Keung & Ors [1994] 2 HKC 592.
原告未能送達申索陳述書(《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第19號命令第1條規則; Greek City Co Ltd v Demetriou (t/a Spectron Electronics), Greek City Co Ltd v Athanasiou (t/a Alpha Alpha Electrical Contractors) [1983] 2 All ER 921);透露或出示文件(第24號命令第16(1)條規則);Tze Yim v Richardson Greenshields of Canada (Pacific) Ltd [1991] 1 HKC 15(上訴法院));在原訟法庭的一般訴訟(第25號命令第1(4), (5)條規則)或由地方法院轉移的訴訟(第78號命令第5(2)條規則)中取得要求作指示的傳票;回答質詢書(第26號命令第6(1)條規則);將某宗訴訟排期審訊(第34號命令第2條規則;; Barbuda Enterprises Ltd v A-G of Antigua and Barbuda [1993] 1 WLR 1052(樞密院));或在海事訴訟中遞交預備文件(第75號命令第19(1)條規則),均會導致法律程序被駁回。除上述的明示條文外,凡在提起訴訟時有冗長或過度的及無法解釋的延誤,而使被告人蒙受或可能蒙受嚴重損害,或產生不可能有公平審訊的重大危機,則法庭享有固有的司法權,因訴訟程序中無人作出行動而駁回訴訟:Department of Transport v Chris Smaller (Transport) Ltd [1989] AC 1197, 1 All ER 897(英國上訴院);Cheung Sau Chu Rosanna v Li Kwok Keung [1994] 2 HKC 592。




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