

单词 Judgment debt
释义 判定債項
1. An amount owing under a court judgment. A creditor with a judgment debt is entitled to enforce it in various ways, that is, by applying for garnishee order (The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 49 r 1) and charging order (O 50 r 1): The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 45 r 1. The creditor may also bring insolvency proceedings against the debtor who fails to pay a monetary judgment: Cameron & Kelly, Principles and Practice of Civil Procedure in Hong Kong (2001), para 17.32. 2. Judgment debt also includes payment of costs by parties to an action ordered by the court. However, execution for costs cannot issue on any judgment for ‘costs to be taxed’, until certificate for costs has been filed and costs duly entered up: Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2002, Vol 1, para 45/1/2. See also Bankruptcy notice.
1. 按法庭判決而欠下的款項。判定債項的債權人有權以不同方法強制執行其債項,包括申請第三債務人的命令(《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第49號命令第1條)及押記令(第50號命令第1條):《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第45號命令第1條。債權人亦可針對沒有支付金錢判決而提出無力償債程序:Cameron & Kelly, Principles and Practice of Civil Procedure in Hong Kong (2001), para 17.32。2. 「判定債項」亦包括由法庭命令訴訟各方支付的訟費;但訟費的強制執行不得對未評定訟費的判決作出,直至訟費證明書已獲送交及訟費已獲登錄:Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2002, 第1冊,第45/1/2段。另見Bankruptcy notice。




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