

单词 Harbouring
释义 包庇/窩藏
Sheltering or providing refuge: Darch v Weight [1984] 2 All ER 245, 1 WLR 659, 79 Cr App Rep 40.
Criminal law - Knowingly permits an offender to meet or assemble in any premises in his occupation or under his control, or wilfully omits or refuses to disclose to a superintendent of police any information that it is in his power to give in relation to such offender: Official Secrets Ordinance (Cap 521) s 4(b), (c). A person who harbours an offender is an accessory after the fact. It is an offence to knowingly harbour another person whom he knows, or has reasonable grounds for supposing, to be a person who is about to commit or who has committed an offence of spying: s 4(a). See also Accessory after the fact; Aid and abet; Aiding escape.
Tort - The tort of persuading a wife not to return to her husband after leaving him. It is based upon the idea that a husband has a proprietary interest in the services provided by his wife. Where the English courts have not been upholding the action in any recent cases, the tort has not been rejected: Winchester v Fleming [1958] 1 QB 259, 3 All ER 711. See also Enticement; Husband; Seduction.
提供掩護或庇護: Darch v Weight [1984] 2 All ER 245, 1 WLR 659, 79 Cr App Rep 40。
刑法 - 明知而准許任何犯罪者於他所佔用或控制的處所會面或集會;或故意不向或拒絕向警司級人員披露在他權力範圍內所能就任何該等人士提供的資料:《官方機密條例》(第521章)第4(b)、(c)條。任何窩藏犯罪者的人屬事後從犯。在知道或有合理理由推測另一人即將或已經犯諜報活動罪的情況下,明知而窩藏該另一人,即屬犯罪:第4(a)條。另見 Accessory after the fact; Aid and abet; Aiding escape。
侵權法 - 慫恿一名妻子在離開其丈夫後,不再返回其丈夫身邊的侵權行為。包庇的依據是丈夫就其妻子所提供的服務擁有所有人權益。儘管英國法院已沒有在最近的案件中支持此等訴訟,但仍未拒絕此等侵權行為:Winchester v Fleming [1958] 1 QB 259, 3 All ER 711。另見 Enticement; Husband; Seduction。n.




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