

单词 Grounds for review
释义 覆核的理由
The recognised bases upon which an administrative decision may be subject to judicial review. Grounds for review are generally described in the terms like irrationality, illegality and procedural impropriety: Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374, 3 All ER 935, 3 WLR 1174, (HL). Irrationality refers to the decision having been one that no reasonable decision-maker properly acquainted with the relevant facts and directed with the relevant matters of policy could have made. Illegality refers to the decision having been one made in the absence of jurisdiction or authorisation, or in error of law. Procedural impropriety refers to the decision having been made in breach of the rules of natural justice or unfairly.
可藉此受司法覆核規限的行政決定的的認可根據。覆核的理由一般包括不合理、違法及程序不當:Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374, 3 WLR 1174, 3 All ER 935(上議院)。不合理指已適當地知悉有關事實及已獲指示有關政策事宜的合理決策者不會作出的決定。違法指在沒有司法管轄權或權力、或有法律錯誤的情況下作出的決定。程序不當指在違反自然公正原則或不公平的情況下作出的決定。




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