

单词 Shadow director
释义 影子董事
A person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of a company are accustomed to act, but a person is not to be regarded as a shadow director by reason only that the directors act on advice given by him in a professional capacity: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 168C(1); Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) sch 1. A person who is not named as a director but who performs the functions of a director: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 24, Taxation and Revenue [370.090]. The directors of a parent company are not, without more, shadow directors of a subsidiary: Re Hydrodam (Corby) Ltd [1994] 2 BCLC 180. See also Director; Directors’ duties; Nominee director.
指公司董事慣常按照某人的指示或指令行事的人,但如某人以專業身分提供意見而董事按該等意見行事,則該人不得僅因此而視為幕後董事:《公司條例》(第32章)第168C(1)條;《證券及期貨條例》(第571章)附表1。 沒有被名為董事,但履行董事職務的人:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong,第24冊,稅收與稅務,第[370.090]段。母公司的董事並不再是附屬公司的影子董事:Re Hydrodam (Corby) Ltd [1994] 2 BCLC 180。另見 Director; Directors’ duties; Nominee director。




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