

单词 Notice to produce
释义 交出文件的通知
In civil proceedings, a notice in which one party to a cause or matter calls upon another party to produce the documents which are specified in the notice at the trial of the cause or matter: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 27 r 5(4). If the documents are not produced as requested, the party who has served the notice is entitled to adduce secondary evidence as to the relevant facts: Merchant Shipping (Marine Courts) Regulations (Cap 281G) s 8(2). See also Civil proceedings; Document; Subpoena; Summons.
就民事訴訟而言,指一宗訟案或事宜的某一方,可就向任何另一方要求他在該宗訟案或事宜審訊時交出該份通知書所指明的文件而發出通知書:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第27號命令第5(4)條規則。凡要求交出文件的通知不獲遵從,發出該通知的一方可提供該文件有關事實的次要證據:《商船 (海事法庭)規例》(第281G章)第8(2)條。另見 Civil proceedings; Document; Subpoena; Summons。




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