

单词 Domestic animal
释义 家畜
An animal which is generally tame, and does not exist in a wild state anywhere in the world is in law a domestic animal: McQuaker v Goddard [1940] 1 KB 687, 1 All ER 471 (CA); Ng Kwei v Tang Kwai and A-G [1963] HKLR 841. It includes all those domestic or tame animals as by habit or training live in association with man: Nye v Niblett [1918] 1 KB 23. Such animals are referred to as domitae or mansuetae naturae. It is a question of law, not fact, whether an animal is within the class of domestic animals or wild animals: McQuaker v Goddard, supra. Domestic animals, like other personal and movable chattels, are the subject of absolute property. The owner can maintain an action for their detention or conversion, or for trespass to goods in respect of them, and retains his property in them if they stray or are lost: Putt v Roster (1682) 2 Mod Rep 318, 86 ER 1098. See also Scienter; Wild animal.
指一般屬溫馴、並在任何野生世界不再存在的動物:McQuaker v Goddard [1940] 1 KB 687,1 All ER 471 (芵國上訴法院);Ng Kwei v Tang Kwai and A-G [1963] HKLR 841。包括所有習慣上或經人類訓練後與人類共同生活的家蓄:Nye v Niblett [1918] 1 KB 23。此等動物稱為「馴服的」或「家庭飼養的」動物。若干動物是否屬於家畜類或野生動物類是法律上的問題,而非事實上的問題:McQuaker v Goddard, 見上文。家畜與其他非土地實產及可移動實產同屬絕對財產標的物。擁有人可繼續就有關家蓄被扣留或轉為己用或就對貨物之侵犯進行訴訟;如其家畜迷路或失蹤,該擁有人可保留其動物產權:Putt v Roster (1682) 2 Mod Rep 318, 86 ER 1098。另見 Scienter; Wild animal。




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