

单词 Ward of Court
释义 受法庭監護的人
A child who is subject to the care and control of the court and no important step in the child’s life can be taken without the court’s consent: Re S (infants) [1967] 1 All ER 202, 1 WLR 396. In exercising wardship jurisdiction, the court acts in a parental and administrative manner: Scott v Scott [1913] AC 417 (HL). The court will decide who is to have care and control of the ward, who is to have access and what kind of access to be ordered. The court also directs where the ward is to live and will not allow the ward to be removed from its jurisdiction without permission. The court may even make orders relating to the maintenance, education, religion and marriage of the ward. It is therefore a contempt of court to interfere with a ward of court, for example by marrying the ward (Re Crump (an infant) (1963) 107 Sol Jo 682), instituting adoption proceedings (Re F (Wardship: Adoption) [1984] FLR 60 (CA)), or by taking the ward out of the jurisdiction (R v D [1984] AC 778, 1 All ER 574 (HL)), without the consent of the court.
受到法庭照顧與管束的兒童,且他在生活上的所有重要行事均須取得法庭的同意:Re S (未成年人) [1967] 1 All ER 202, 1 WLR 396。於行使監護司法管轄權時,法庭會以父母及行政上的方式行事:Scott v Scott [1913] AC 417(上議院)。法庭將決定誰會照顧及管束受法院監護的人,誰會享有探視權及會作出何等探視權的命令。法庭亦指示受法院監護的人會居住的地方,及不准在未獲許可下將該受法院監護的人移離法庭的司法管轄區。法庭甚至可發出有關該受法院監護的人的生活費、教育、宗教及婚姻的命令。因此對受法庭監護的人作出干預即構成藐視法庭,舉例與受法庭監護的人結婚(Re Crump (未成年人) (1963) 107 Sol Jo 682),提起領養程序(Re F (監護:領養) [1984] FLR 60(英國上訴院),或在未取得法庭的同意前,把受法庭監護的人帶離司法管轄區(R v D [1984] AC 778, 1 All ER 574(上議院))。




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