

单词 Minister of religion
释义 傳道士
Generic term for bishops, clerics, parsons, priests, rectors, or vicars of all denominations or religious beliefs. Certain statutory rights are afforded to ministers of religion. A minister of religion who makes statements which may be slanderous or libellous is not, by virtue of holding clerical office, protected by any form of privilege: Magrath v Finn (1877) IR 11 CL 152. See also Clerical privilege.
指包括任何教派或任何宗教信仰的主教、神職人員、牧師、祭司、主事或教宗的通用名詞。某些法定權利是給予傳道士的。作出誹謗性或中傷性陳述的傳道士不會憑藉擁有神職人員的地位,而受到任何特權形式的保障:Magrath v Finn (1877) IR 11 CL 152。另見 Clerical privilege。




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