

单词 Attorney-General
释义 檢察總長
Abbr - A-G During the time of British sovereignty over Hong Kong, the first law officer of the Crown, with the function of enforcing the law and advising and acting for the Crown in all matters to which the Crown is a party. The Attorney-General was the law officer and legal adviser to the Governor and the titular head of the Hong Kong Bar and as such had a right of audience in the courts in any proceedings: Re Courtenay Walton Reece [1963] HKLR 326. The Attorney-General was also an ex officio member of the Executive Council and until 1995 an ex officio member of the Legislative Council, chairman of the Law Reform Commission, a member of the Judicial Services Commission, member of the ICAC Operations Review and Complaints Committee, and head of the Legal Department. At the same time, the Attorney General is also the guardian of public interest. The Attorney-General of Hong Kong had been held to possess the prerogatives of the Attorney General of England: Cheung Sou Yat v R [1979] HKLR 630 (CA). Such prerogatives included the power to grant consent (fiat) to a relator action, to file an ex officio information for libel, to grant immunities to witnesses, and to file a nolle prosequi. See also Crown; Fiat; Nolle Prosequi; Prerogative powers; Relator action; Solicitor-General.
  縮寫 - A-G  指當芵國在香港行使主權時,芵王的首席法律人員,他/她具有執行法律的職務,並須就所有芵王屬一方當事人的事宜提供意見、及代其行事。律政司是港督的法律人員及法律顧問、以及香港大律師公會名義上的領袖,並因而在任何法律程序上於法庭具有出庭發言權:Re Courtenay Walton Reece [1963] HKLR 326。檢察總長亦是行政局的當然成員,直至1995年是立法局的當然成員,法律改革委員會的主席,司法服務委員會的成員,廉政公署貪污舉報諮詢委員會及事宜投訴委員會的成員,以及律政署的首長。檢察總長同時亦是公眾利益的監護人。香港的檢察總長被視為具有芵國檢察總長的特權:Cheung Sou Yat v R [1979] HKLR 630 (上訴法庭)。此等特權包括授予促訟人訴訟同意的權力 (指令) ,就永久形式誹謗提交當然資料,授予證人豁免權,以及提出撤回訴訟。另見 Crown; Fiat; Nolle Prosequi; Prerogative powers; Relator action; Solicitor-General。




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