

单词 Implied trust
释义 默示信託
A presumed trust by operation of law; a trust in which no express intention of creating a trust is spelt out, but the court presumes that the parties intended to create a particular trust. Implied trust was frequently used as a synonym for ‘resulting’ trust or ‘constructive’ trust or both. It is distinguished from an express trust which is created expressly where the intention is spelt out by the parties. An implied trust by its nature can only arise in the absence of a sufficiently express declaration: Chu Yam Om & Anor v Li Tam Toi Hong (1954) 38 HKLR 114. See also Constructive trust; Express trust; Resulting trust.
藉法律的施行而推定的信託;沒有明示定立信託意圖之信託,但法庭推定各方有定立某特定信託的意圖。默示信託經常被用作「法律構定」信託或「歸復」信託的同義詞。有別於各方明示設立信託意圖之明示信託。僅在沒有充分明示宣告的情況下,才會產生默示信託:Chu Yam Om & Anor v Li Tam Toi Hong(1954) 38 HKLR 114。另見 Constructive trust; Express trust; Resulting trust。




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