

单词 Renunciation
释义 放棄書
A method of discharging a negotiable instrument by which its holder at or after its maturity absolutely and unconditionally abandons his rights against the acceptor: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 62(1). The renunciation must be in writing, unless the bill is delivered up to the acceptor but no consideration is necessary for it: Rimalt v Cartwright (1924) 93 LJKB 823 (CA); ss 62(1), 89. The liabilities of any party to a bill may in like manner be renounced by the holder before, at, or after its maturity; but nothing affects the rights of a holder in due course without notice of the renunciation: s 62(1). See also Acceptor; Discharge of negotiable instrument; Holder; Maturity date; Waiver.
Contract - The giving back, or giving away, of property that another person attempted, or the law has operated, to vest in the renouncing party, so as to prevent the vesting from being effective: for example, Re Paradise Motor Co Ltd [1968] 1 WLR 1125, 2 All ER 625.
解除可流轉票據的方法,其持有人在到期日或之後絕對而無條件地放棄他對承兌人的權利: 《匯票條例》(第19章)第62(1)條。除非承兌人已獲交出該匯票,否則該項放棄必須以書面作出,但無須有代價:Rimalt v Cartwright (1924) 93 LJKB 823 (英國上訴法院);第62(1)及89條。匯票的任何當事人的法律責任可以相同的方式由持有人在到期日或之前或之後放棄;但如在適當的時間沒有作出放棄的通知,則不會影響持有人的權利:第62(1)條。另見 Acceptor; Discharge of negotiable instrument; Holder; Maturity date; Waiver。
合約 -   他人嘗試歸還或贈送財物,或法律已施行,歸予放棄的一方,因而阻止有關的轉歸生效:例如 Re Paradise Motor Co Ltd [1968] 1 WLR 1125, 2 All ER 625。n.




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