

单词 Registered professional surveyor
释义 註冊專業測量師
Abbr – RPS A surveyor whose name is currently registered on the register of professional surveyor established under the Surveyors Registration Ordinance (Cap 417) s 7. A registered professional surveyor must be (i) a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, or a member of a surveying body acceptable to the Surveyors Registration Board, or have passed such examinations and received such training and experience as one acceptable to the Surveyors Registration Board; (ii) he must satisfy the Surveyors Registration Board that he has had one year’s relevant professional experience in Hong Kong before the date of his application for registration; (iii) he must be ordinarily resident in Hong Kong; (iv) he must not be the subject of an inquiry committee or a disciplinary order; (v) he must satisfy the Surveyors Registration Board by declaration in writing that he is competent to practise as a surveyor; and (vi) he must be a fit and proper person to be registered: Surveyors Registration Ordinance (Cap 417) s 12(1). Having met all these statutory qualifications he may describe himself as a ‘registered professional surveyor’ or use the initials ‘RPS’: s 29. Thus any person who, not being a registered professional surveyor, uses or knowingly permits the use of in connection with his business or profession the description ‘registered professional surveyor’, or ‘registered professional surveyor’ with reference to a division, or the initials ‘RPS’ with or without reference to a division, or initials or abbreviations or words intended to cause, or which may reasonably cause, any person to believe that the person using them is on the register, commits an offence: s 30(h). See also Registration; Surveyor.
現時在根據《測量師註冊條例》(第417章)第7條設置的專業測量師註冊紀錄冊註冊的測量師。註冊專業測量師必須(i)是香港香港測量師學會的會員,或是測量師註冊管理局接納的其他測量師團體的成員,或是測量師註冊在管理局接納的考試中取得合格,並曾接受有關訓練及取得經驗; (ii) 令管理局信納他在提出註冊申請的日期之前,已在香港取得一年有關專業經驗; (iii) 是通常居於香港; (iv) 不是研訊委員會或紀律制裁命令的研訊對象 ; (v) 以書面聲明令管理局信納他有能力在有關組別內執業;及 (vi) 是獲得註冊的適當人選:(第417章)第12(1)條。在符合所有使用法定專業資格後,他可使用「註冊專業測量師」的稱謂或英文縮寫「R.P.S.」:第29條。如任何人不是註冊專業測量師,但在(或知情而容許他人在)與其業務或專業有關的情況下使用「註冊專業測量師」的稱謂;提述某組別的「註冊專業測量師」的稱謂;英文縮寫「R.P.S.」;提述某組別的英文縮寫「R.P.S.」或目的在令到(或按常理可能令到)他人相信使用者是名列註冊紀錄冊的英文縮寫字樣、字句縮寫或文字,即屬犯罪:第30 (h)條。另見 Registration; Surveyor。




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