

单词 Malicious injury
释义 惡意損害
Intentional or reckless wounding or infliction of grievous bodily harm. The offence is constituted by malicious wounding or infliction of grievous bodily harm upon any other person, either with or without any weapon or instrument: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 19. A wound consists of an injury which breaks the skin and penetrates below the epidermis: R v Li Fu Keung [1984] HKC 228. The expression ‘grievous bodily harm’ has been defined as meaning really serious bodily injury: R v Hyam [1975] AC 55, [1974] 2 All ER 41 (HL). To constitute grievous bodily harm, it was not necessary that the injury should be either permanent or dangerous, if it seriously interfered with comfort or health, that was sufficient: HKSAR v Lo Tak Chi [1999] 3 HKLRD L7. The words ‘grievous bodily harm’ should be given their ordinary and natural meaning. ‘Grievous’ means no more or less than ‘really serious’. Whether or not the injuries suffered by the victim amounted to grievous bodily harm is a question of fact in each case: HKSAR v Liu Man Kuen [2000] 3 HKLRD 395. See also Grievous bodily harm; Serious bodily injury.
蓄意地或罔顧後果下傷人或使他人身體受到嚴重傷害。此罪行由任何人非法及惡意傷害他人或對他人身體加以嚴重傷害,不論是否使用武器或器具所構成:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第19條。傷乃由割破皮膚而致穿透表皮層所組成:R v Li Fu Keung [1984] HKC 228身體嚴重傷害」一詞的定義已定為十分嚴重的身體傷害:R v Hyam [1975] AC 55, [1974] 2 All ER 41 (上議院)。要構成身體嚴重傷害,只要是嚴重地干預舒適或嚴重地干預健康者便已足夠,傷害並不需要是永久性的或是危險的:R v Li Fu Keung [1984] HKC 228。「身體嚴重傷害」的一詞應被賦予一般及自然的涵義。「嚴重」的意思是「非常嚴重」,不多也不少。受害人遭受的傷害到底是否構成身體嚴重傷害,在每一案件中乃屬事實問題:HKSAR v Liu Man Kuen [2000] 3 HKLRD 395。另見 Grievous bodily harm; Serious bodily injury。




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