

单词 Administration action
释义 遺產管理訴訟
An action for the administration under the direction of the Court of the estate of a deceased person or for the execution under the direction of the Court of a trust: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 85 r 1. Under the court order, the personal representative cannot exercise any power without the court’s sanction: Minors v Battison (1876) 1 App Cas 428; Re Viscount Furness (dec’d) Wilson v Kenmare [1943] Ch 415. See also Administration; De son tort; Probate action.
獲得在法庭指示下進行死者遺產管理而提出的訴訟,以及為獲得在法庭指示下進行信託執行而提出的訴訟:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第85號命令第1條規則。根據法令,遺產代理人於無法庭批准的情況下不能行使任何權力:Minors v Battison (1876) 1 App Cas 428; Re Viscount Furness (dec’d) Wilson v Kenmare [1943] Ch 415。另見 Administration; De son tort; Probate action。




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