

单词 Equitable charge
释义 衡平法押記
A security interest over property which gives the holder of the charge (the ‘chargee’) an equitable interest in the property to the extent necessary to satisfy the debt owed to the chargee. The remedy of the chargee is usually considered to be an order for sale of the charged property, rather than foreclosure (which is available to an equitable mortgagee): Re Owen [1894] 3 Ch 220; James v James (1873) LR 16 Eq 153; Swiss Bank Corp v Lloyds Bank Ltd [1981] 2 All ER 449, 2 WLR 893 (HL). A prior unregistered charge which has been created in writing will lose priority to a subsequently registered instrument of a bona fide purchaser or mortgagee under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap 128) s 4. As a security interest, the charge will have priority over the rights of unsecured creditors. See also Charge; Equitable lien; Equitable mortgage; Foreclosure; Priority; Security; Unsecured creditor.
指將財產給予押記持有人(承押記人)該財產的衡平法權益的抵押權益,以致可清償欠下承押記人的債項。押記人可使用的補救方法通常是獲取出售已予押記的財產的命令,而非可供衡平法承按人使用的止贖權:Re Owen[1894] 3 Ch 220;James v. James (1893) LR 16 Eq 153;Swiss Bank Corp v. Lloyds Bank Ltd. [1981] 2 All ER 449, 2 WLR 893 (上議院)。根據《土地註冊條例》(第128章)第4條,一份較先的未註冊書面押記會在優先次序上,不及一份由真誠購買人或承按人在其後註冊的文書。就抵押權益而言,有抵押債權人有優先於無抵押債權人的權利。另見 Charge; Equitable lien; Equitable mortgage; Foreclosure; Priority; Security; Unsecured creditor。




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