

单词 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards 1958
释义 1958年承認及執行國際仲裁裁決紐約公約
The convention is usually referred to as New York Convention; it was made in New York in 1958 for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards of the member countries to the convention. The member countries’ award is usually called convention award. The Convention had a profound effect on the arbitration law and was described as the cornerstone of the international dispute resolution. The arbitral awards that referred to in the convention do not strictly apply to the awards made by the arbitrators but also those made by permanent arbitral bodies to which the parties have submitted. Enforcement of convention award in Hong Kong: Arbitration Ordinance (Cap 341) pt IV. Details of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards 1958: sch III. See also International legal dispute.
通常指《紐約公約》的公約,於1958年在紐約訂立,以承認及執行公約成員國的國際仲裁裁決。成員國的裁決通常稱公約裁決。《1958年承認及執行國際仲裁裁決紐約公約》對仲裁法有極深的影響,而被稱為解決國際爭議的基礎。轉交《1958年承認及執行國際仲裁裁決紐約公約》處理的仲裁裁決,不會狹義地引用於仲裁員作出的裁決,而亦會引用於當事人接受的永久仲裁團體作出的裁決。於香港執行公約裁決:《仲裁條例》(第341章)第IV部分。《1958年承認及執行國際仲裁裁決紐約公約》的詳情:附件III。另見 International legal dispute。




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