

单词 Deferred sentence
释义 延期判決
At common law and by statute an order made when sentencing for an offence by which the court requires the offender to enter into his own recognizance or to find sureties or both to keep the peace and to be of good behaviour for a specific period so that, if the offender does not breach the recognizance, no further action is taken to punish the offender in respect of the offence: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) s 61; Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 109I. Also known as ‘Binding Over Orders’. See also Good behaviour bond; Recognisance; Sentence.
在普通法上及根據法規,指法院在對某罪行判刑時所發出的命令,透過該命令法院規定罪犯須自簽擔保或覓人擔保,或自簽擔保兼覓人擔保以保證遵守法紀,並在特定的期間內保持行為良好,因此,如該罪犯不違反擔保,則就該項罪行而言,將不會採取進一步的行動懲罰該罪犯:《裁判官條例》(第227章)第61條;《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第1091條。另稱「命某人具結保證令」。另見 Good behaviour bond; Recognisance; Sentence。




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