

单词 Corporate presence
释义 法團存在性
A description of a corporation which is transacting business in a particular forum: Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v AG Cudell & Co [1902] KB 342. There are three requirements: the corporation must be carrying on business in the jurisdiction; the business must be carried on at some fixed and definite place within the jurisdiction; and the business must have continued for a sufficiently substantial period of time: National Commercial Bank v Wimbourne (1979) 11 NSWLR 156. The presence of a corporation in the jurisdiction is the basis for service of any process or notice. Service of documents on an overseas company is sufficiently served if addressed to a person resident in the Hong Kong SAR authorised to accept service, and whose name and address are delivered to the Registrar of Companies, by leaving at or sending by post to his address so delivered: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 338. See also Foreign company; In personam.
 形容法團正在特定的媒體進行商業交易:Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v AG Cudell & Co [1902] KB 342。這必須符合三項條件:法團必須在司法權內進行業務;業務必須於特定及確定的司法管轄範圍內進行;及業務必須在一定足夠時間內持續:National Commercial Bank v Wimbourne (1979) 11 NSWLR 156。法團在司法管轄範圍內存在是送遞法律程序及通知的基礎。任何須向海外公送達的法律程序文件或通知書,如註明由姓名已根據公司註冊處長交付的人收件並留在此交付的人的地址;或欠郵遞方式送往如此交付的人的地址,即由為充分送達:《公司條例》(第32章)第338條。另見 Foreign company; In personam。




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