

单词 Re-marriage
释义 再婚
The act of entering into a state of wedlock with another after having been previously married and then legally divorced; a new marriage separate and newly performed from the previous one: Re Taylor [1961] 1 WLR 8. Any reference in the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Ordinance (Cap 481) to remarriage or to a person who has remarried includes a reference to a marriage which is by law void or voidable or to a person who has entered into such a marriage, as the case may be, and a marriage is to be treated for the purposes of the Ordinance as a remarriage, in relation to any party to it, notwithstanding that the previous marriage of that party was void or voidable: Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Ordinance (Cap 481) s 2(4). See also Dissolution; Legally married; Nuptial.
在之前結婚然後在法律上正式離婚之後與另一人締結結婚生活的行為;新的婚姻與之前的婚姻分開及重新開始:Re Taylor [1961] 1 WLR 9。凡《財產繼承(供養遺屬及受養人)條例》(第481章)提述的再婚,包括提述依照法律屬於無效或可使無效的婚姻,而凡提述再婚的人,包括提述曾締結該種婚姻的人;而在一段婚姻中,即使其中一方的前一次婚姻屬於無效或可使無效,但就本條例而言,該一方亦須視為再婚:《財產繼承(供養遺屬及受養人)條例》(第481章)第2(4)條。另見 Dissolution; Legally married; Nuptial。




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