

单词 Conditions of employment
释义 僱用條件
1. The conditions of employment dictated by statute that are consequential upon the employment of a worker; the conditions under which employment may take place: Employment Ordinance (Cap 57); Employee’s Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282). 2. The conditions on which, as between employer and employee, the employee works, the express or implied terms of the contract of employment. Implied terms cannot contradict express terms: Universal Dockyard Ltd v Ho King Sang Nicholas [1979] HKLR 199 (CA). See also Award; Contract of employment; Employment.
1. 由法規所規定的僱用條件;可引致受僱用的條件:《僱傭條例》(第57 章);《僱傭補償條例》(第282章)。  2. 僱員藉以受僱的條件,該條件可成為僱傭合約的訂明條款,但默示條款不能違背明定條款:Universal Dockyard Ltd v Ho King Sang Nicholas [1979] HKLR 199(上訴法院)。另見 Award; Contract of employment; Employment。




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