

单词 Subagent
释义 分銷代理人
1. In a strict legal sense, a person to whom the task entrusted to the agent is delegated or appointed. There may be said to be three classes of sub-agents: (1) those employed without the authority, express or implied, of the principal, by whose acts the principal is not bound; (2) those employed with the express or implied authority of the principal, but between whom and the principal there is no privity of contract; (3) those employed with the principal’s authority, between whom and the principal there is privity of contract, and a direct relationship of principal and agent is, accordingly, established. For the acts and defaults of the first two classes the agent is responsible to the principal; in the third case the sub-agent has both the rights and the liabilities of an agent vis-à-vis the principal: Halsbury’s Laws of England (4th Ed, Reissue) Vol 1(2), para 70. 2. A person who acts for or is employed by an ‘agent’ (used in a non-legal sense) and who exercises any of the functions of that ‘agent’. The person’s remuneration may be by way of salary, commission or otherwise. Examples are a real estate agent, commercial agent and private enquiry agent. See also Agency; Agent; Appointee; Delegate; Principal.
1.就嚴格法律意義而言,既授或獲委任託付予有關代理人的工作的人。應有三類分銷代理人:(1)在沒有明示或隱含的權能下獲委託人騁用,而委託人不受其行為約束;(2) 在有明示或隱含的權能下獲委託人騁用,但在原託人及該代理人之間沒有合約參與關係;(3)籍委託人的權能獲騁用,而他們之間有合約參與關係,委託人及代理人之直接關係因而確立。有關的代理人須向委託人負責上述首兩類代理人的行為及失責行為;至於第三類的情況,有關的分銷代理人有代理人與委託人一起的權利及法律責任:Halsbury’s Laws of England (第4版,再發行)第1(2)冊,第70段。  2.為「代理人」 (作非法律意義之用) 行事或騁用的人,該人行使任何有關「代理人」的功能。該人的報酬方式包括薪酬、佣金或其他方式。例如房地產代理人、商業代理人及私人顧問代理人。另見 Agency; Agent; Appointee; Delegate; Principal。 n.




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