

单词 Parole period
释义 假釋期
The period during which a prisoner is at liberty on parole. The period begins on the day on which the person is released from prison by reason of a parole order and, unless parole is revoked, expires at the end of the sentence to which the order relates. In some cases, prisoners may be given a non-parole period: S-J v Sukhmander Singh (CAAR 5/99, unreported). See also Non-parole period.
囚犯因獲假釋而得享自由的期間。假釋期由該人因假釋令而自監獄中被釋放的當日起,至﹝除非被撤銷﹞假釋令所涉的刑期完結即告屆滿。有些情形,囚犯可能會被給予不准假釋期:S-J v Sukhmander Singh(覆核申請1999年第5號,未經彙報)。另見 Non-parole period。




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