

单词 Parking ticket
释义 泊車票
1.A ticket issued by the proprietor of a car parking business to car drivers wishing to use its car parking facilities. Such tickets may be issued by a person or by an automatic dispensing machine. It is common for parking tickets to bear an exclusion clause, the aim of which is to exclude or limit the proprietor’s liability on the happening of certain specified events (such as the theft of, or damage to, the car). Whether such a clause is effective depends primarily on whether in the circumstances the driver of the car viewed the ticket as being contractual in nature and, if so, whether reasonable notice of the clause was given to him or her before the contract was made: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 7, Contract [115.166]. 2. An infringement notice relating to a parking offence. See also Parking infringement; Ticket cases.
1. 由停車業務的東主發給希望使用他的停車設施的駕車司機的泊車票。該泊車票可由人發給或自動發票機。泊車票通常附有免責條款,目的是在某些指定事故發生時(如車輛被盜或受損),免除或限制東主的法律責任。該條款是否有效主要視乎,在該種環境下,駕車司機有否把泊車票視作合約性質的文件,如有,在訂定合約前,東主有否就該條款給予司機合理通知:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第7冊,合約,第[115.166]段。  2. 就泊車罪行的違犯通知。另見 Parking infringement; Ticket cases。




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