

单词 Dissolution
释义 解散/解除
Generally, the termination of a registered association of two or more persons, such as a marriage, an unincorporated association, a partnership, or a corporation, which enjoyed certain legal rights or privileges. See also Incorporation; Winding up.
Corporations - The act of undoing or winding up the affairs of a registered company. On dissolution the company ceases to be a legal person and is removed from the register of companies. The court may wind up a company: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) ss 176-227F. A company may be wound up voluntarily: ss 228-257. A company may also be dissolved or struck off the register without any winding up proceedings if it fails to file annual returns in two consecutive years: s 290A. On application of the Registrar of Companies, it appears to the court that having regard to the assets, if any, of a company or for other reason, it would not be appropriate to wind up the company, the court may order that the company be struck off the register and dissolved: s 291A.
Family law - The dissolution of a marriage by written agreement or memorandum in accordance with the Marriage Reform Ordinance, which is deemed to be a final decree of divorce granted by the court: Marriage Reform Ordinance (Cap 178) ss 14-22. The sole ground on which a petition or a joint application for divorce may be presented to the court by either party to a marriage is that the marriage has broken down irretrievably. Proceedings for divorce must be instituted either by a petition for divorce or by an application for divorce. A petition for divorce may be presented to the court by either party to a marriage, whereas, an application for divorce must be made to the court jointly by both parties to the marriage. If the court is satisfied on the evidence of any such fact, then unless it is satisfied on all the evidence that the marriage has not broken down irretrievably, it must, subject to where leave was obtained by misrepresentation or concealment grant a decree nisi of divorce. Where a degree nisi has been granted and no application for it to be made absolute is made, then, at any time after the expiration of three months for the earliest date on which such application could have been made, an application for a decree absolute may be made. See also Decree absolute; Decree nisi; Separated.
Partnerships - The act of undoing or breaking up a partnership of a registered company. A partner wishing to dissolve the partnership must give notice to the other partners and must do so bona fide and not to derive some advantage: Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) s 34 (1)(c); Featherstonhaugh v Fenwick (1810) 17 Ves 298, [1803-13] All ER Rep 89. If some or all of the partners wish to continue with the firm’s business after a change in its composition they may do so, provided there is appropriate agreement and arrangements for those partners who are leaving to be bought out: Sobell v Boston [1975] 2 All ER 282, 1 WLR 1587. A partnership is also dissolved by the death or bankruptcy of any partner, the expiration of the term (where it is a fixed term partnership), the firm unlawfully carrying on business, or by order of court: Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) ss 34-37. See also Expulsion of partner; Partnership; Partnership agreement; Retiring partner.
Voluntary associations - Bringing an association to its end so that it no longer exists. The association’s constitution may provide procedures for dissolution. Alternatively, the association’s members may agree unanimously to dissolve the association: Master Grocers’ Assn of Victoria v Northern District Grocers Co-op Ltd [1983] 1 VR 195. Where an association has long been inactive, the court can determine whether the association remains in existence or has been spontaneously dissolved as the result of its inactivity and the gradual disappearance of its members. The court has inherent jurisdiction to intervene and dissolve an unincorporated association: Re St James’ Club (1852) 2 De GM & G 383, 42 ER 920; Adelaide Company of Jehovah’s Witnesses Inc v Commonwealth (1943) 67 CLR 116. See also Association; Constitution; Unincorporated association; Winding up.
通常指終止經註冊的多於一名人士的聯繫,例如享有若干法律權利或特權的婚姻、非法人組織、合夥或法團。另見 Incorporation; Winding up。
公司 -   指取消或結束註冊公司事務的行為。公司一經解散便會終止成為法人,並會從公司登記冊上被刪除。法院可將公司清盤:《公司條例》(第32章)第176至227F條。公司可自動清盤:第228至257條。凡公司連續兩年未有提交周年申報表,則該公司可在沒有任何清盤程序的情況下被解散或從登記冊上被剔除。如在公司註冊處處長提出申請時,法院因顧及公司資產(如有的話),或基於其他理由,認為將公司清盤並不適當,即可命令將公司名稱自登記冊中剔除並解散公司。
家庭法 - 指根據《婚姻制度改革條例》,藉書面協議書或備忘錄解除的婚姻,會被當作為由法庭授予的最後判令:《婚姻制度改革條例》(第178章)第14至22條。有關婚姻已破裂至無可挽救是婚姻任何一方可向法庭提出離婚呈請或聯合申請的唯一理由。必須藉離婚呈請或離婚申請書提出離婚的法律程序。可由婚姻的任何一方提出離婚呈請,而離婚申請書則必須由婚姻雙方聯合向法庭提出。如法庭信納任何有關事實的證據,則除非所有證據可證明有關婚姻並未破裂至無可挽救,而法庭在有關許可並非在失實陳述或隱瞞事實的情況下領取的話,必須作出暫准判令。如法庭己授予暫准判令,而婚姻雙方沒有作出將之轉為絕對判令的申請,則在三個月有效期(可申請絕對判令的最早日子)屆滿後的任何時間,可申請絕對判令。另見 Decree absolute; Decree nisi; Separated。
合夥 -   指取消或終止註冊公司的合夥。擬解散合夥的合夥人須就其擬解散合夥的意向向其他合夥人發出通知,並須真誠地有此意向,即並非為取得若干利益而作出:《合夥條例》(第38章)第34(1)(c)條;Featherstonhaugh v Fenwick (1810) 17 Ves 298, [1803-13] All ER Rep 89。凡部分或全部合夥人意欲在合夥組成改變後繼續經營該合夥的業務,在 與離任被收購的合夥人有適當的協議及安排的前提下,其餘合夥人可繼續經營該合夥業務:Sobell v Boston [1975] 2 All ER 282, 1 WLR 1587。可藉下述情況解散合夥關係:任何合夥人死亡或破產、期限屆滿(如屬定期合夥)、商號非法經營其業務、或根據法院的命令:《合夥條例》(第38章)第34至37條。另見 Expulsion of partner; Partnership; Partnership agreement; Retiring partner。
志願組織 -   終止某組織,使其不再存在。組織章程可為解散的程序訂定條文。組織成員亦可一致地議定解散有關組織:Master Grocers’ Assn of Victoria v Northern District Grocers Co-op Ltd [1983] 1 VR 195。如組織長期不活躍,則法院可就有關組織是否依然存在,或是否由於其不活躍及其成員逐漸流失而自動解散作出裁定。法院有固有的司法管轄權介入及解散非法人組織:Re St James’ Club (1852) 2 De GM & G 383, 42 ER 920;Adelaide Company of Jehovah’s Witnesses Inc v Commonwealth (1943) 67 CLR 116。另見 Association; Constitution; Unincorporated association; Winding up。n.




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