

单词 Road
释义 路/道路
1.A way from one place to another which enables passage between the two. The statute provides the same inclusive definition for both ‘road’ and ‘street’: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 3. Such a definition includes as a ‘road’ a highway, bridge, thorough-fare, parade, square, court, alley, lane, bridle-way, footway, passage or tunnel; and any open place, whether or not situate on land the subject of a Government lease, used or frequented by the public or to which the public have or are permitted to have access: Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) s 2. 2. The route set or traversed by a train or tram: Tramway Ordinance (Cap 107) s 2. 3. An area of the sea where it is safe for ships to ride at anchor. See also Bridge; Carriageway; Highway; Street.
1.由一個地方往另一個地方的途徑,它並使兩地間可作通行。法規規定「路、道路」及「街、街道」的包含性定義為相同:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第3條。該「路、道路」的定義包括任何公路、橋樑、大道、廣場、坊、短巷、巷、里、馬道、行人徑、通道或隧道;及任何由公眾使用或公眾常到,又或公眾可以進入或獲准進入的露天地方,不論該地方是否位於屬政府租契標的的土地上:《道路交通條例》(第374章)第2條。  2. 指電車或火車的指定路線或電車或火車穿過的路線:《電車條例》(第107章)第2條。  3. 船隻可以安全地拋錨停泊的海上區域。另見 Bridge; Carriageway; Highway; Street。n.




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