

单词 Unconscionable contract
释义 不合情理的合約

A contract which is unfair or unreasonable by reason of the unfair manner in which it was brought into existence (‘procedural unfairness’) as where it was induced by undue influence (Pao On v Lau Yiu Long & Ors [1973-1976] HKC 377), or where it came into being through an unconscientious use of the power arising out of the circumstances and conditions of the contracting parties (Hart v O’Connor [1985] AC 1000, 2 All ER 880 (PC)). In such cases equity may give a remedy; by reason of the fact that the terms of the contract are more unfavourable to one party than to the other (‘contractual imbalance’): Lo Wo & Ors v Cheung Chan Ka Joseph & Anor [2000] HKLRD 370, [2001] 3 HKC 70 (CA). Contractual imbalance or inadequacy of consideration is not, however, in itself a ground for relief in equity (White and Carter (Councils) Ltd v McGregor [1962] AC 413, [1961] 3 All ER 1178 (HL)), but it may be an element in establishing such fraud as will avoid the transaction or the transaction may be so unconscionable as to afford in itself evidence of fraud ((Hart v O’Connor, supra). If the court finds the contract or any part of the contract (for the sale of goods or supply of services in which one of the parties deals as consumer) to have been unconscionable, the court has jurisdiction to refuse to enforce the contract, enforce the remainder of the contract without the unconscionable part, or limit the application of, or revise or alter, any unconscionable part so as to avoid any unconscionable result: Unconscionable Contracts Ordinance (Cap 458) s 5(1). In determining whether a contract or part of a contract was unconscionable in the circumstances relating to the contract at the time it was made, the court may have regard to (a) the relative strengths of the bargaining positions of the consumer and the other party, (b) whether, as a result of conduct engaged in by the other party, the consumer was required to comply with conditions that were not reasonably necessary for the protection of the legitimate interests of the other party, (c) whether the consumer was able to understand any documents relating to the supply or possible supply of the goods or services, (d) whether any undue influence or pressure was exerted on, or any unfair tactics were used against, the consumer or a person acting on behalf of the consumer by the other party or a person acting on behalf of the other party in relation to the supply or possible supply of the goods or services, and (e) the amount for which, and the circumstances under which, the consumer could have acquired identical or equivalent goods or services from a person other than the other party: s 6(1). See also Contract; Unconscionable.
不公平或不合理的合約,並於以下情況下因為不公平的行為而訂立該合約(「程序上的不公平」):藉不當影響而引起(Pao On v Lau Yiu Long [1973-1976] HKC 377),或因締約方的情況及條件導致不合情理地使用權力,藉此合約訂立該合約(Hart v O’Connor [1985] AC 1000, 2 All ER 880(樞密院))。在此等情況下,衡平法可授予補救;憑藉的理由在於事實上合約的條款對其中一方,與另一方比較,更為不利(即「合約上的不平衡」)(Lo Wo & Ors v Cheung Chan Ka & Anor [2000] HKLRD 370, [2001] 3 HKC 70(上訴法庭))。但合約上的不平衡或代價不足本身並非衡平法濟助所據的理由(White and Carter (Councils) Ltd v McGregor [1962] AC 413, [1961] 3 All ER 1178(上議院)),但在確立此等欺詐行為會免除該項交易,或該項交易可能因為不合情理致使其本身成為欺詐罪的證據,合約上的不平衡或代價不足則可成為一個元素((Hart v O’Connor, 見上文)。如法庭裁定該合約或其中任何部分(貨品售賣合約或服務提供合約中的一方是以消費者身分交易)屬不合情理,則法庭有司法管轄權拒絕強制執行該合約;強制執行合約中不合情理部分以外的其餘部分;限制任何不合情理部分的適用範圍,或修正或更改該等不合情理部分,以避免產生任何不合情理的結果:《不合情理合約條例》(第458章)第5(1)條。法庭在決定某合約或其中部分在立約時的情況下是否屬不合情理時,可考慮以下事項:(a) 消費者與另一方之間議價地位的相對實力;(b) 是否由於另一方所作出的行為,以致消費者須遵守一些條件,而那些條件對於保障另一方的合法權益而言,按理並非必要;(c) 消費者是否能夠明白與提供貨品或服務或可能提供貨品或服務有關的任何文件;(d) 有關提供貨品或服務或可能提供貨品或服務方面,另一方或代表另一方行事的人,有否對消費者或代表消費者行事的人施加不當的影響或壓力,或運用任何不公平的手法;及(e) 消費者可向另一方以外的人獲得相同或同等貨品或服務的情況及所需付的款額:第6(1)條。另見 Contract; Unconscionable。





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