

单词 Prior publication or use
释义 先前的發表或使用
The criteria for determining novelty in a registered design application. A design for which an application for registration is made shall not be regarded as new if it is the same as a design that has been registered in pursuance of a prior application, or a design that has been published in Hong Kong or elsewhere before the filing date of the application, whether or not that design has been registered or published in respect of the same article for which the application is made or in respect of any other article, or if it differs from such a design only in immaterial details or in features which are variants commonly used in the trade: Registered Designs Ordinance (Cap 522) s 5(2). No account is taken of confidential disclosure: s 9. See also Design.

就已註冊的外觀設計應用所決定新穎性的標準。凡已為任何外觀設計並為某物品提出註冊申請,如該外觀設計(a)與已依據一項先前的申請註冊的另一項外觀設計相同,不論該另一項外觀設計同是就該物品或是就任何其他物品而註冊的;或(b) 與在該項申請的提交日期前已在香港或其他地方發表的另一項外觀設計相同,不論該另一項外觀設計同是就該物品或是就任何其他物品而註冊的,或只在不具關鍵性的細節上或只在屬行業中普遍使用的變異的特色上與該另一項外觀設計有所差異,則不得視為新外觀設計:《註冊外觀設計條例》(第522章)第5(2)條。無須予以考慮保密披露的因素:第9條。另見 Design。





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