

单词 Averment
释义 聲言
1. An allegation of law or fact contained in a statement of a charge which the prosecution maintains is true and intends to prove. An averment includes a statement or allegation made in an indictment, presentment, or information. 2. In civil law, an assertion or statement of facts in a pleading to verify a person’s claim. For example, an averment of essential factual ingredients of a claim of fraud: Derry v Peek (1889) 14 AC 337 (HL); Skink Ltd (In Liquidation) v Comtowell Ltd & Anor [1994] 1 HKC 646 (HC). See also Burden of proof; Indictment; Prosecution.
1.控罪陳述書中涉及法律或事實的指稱,控方主張該指稱屬實及打算證明如此。聲言包括在公訴書、案件陳述或資料中的陳述或指稱。 2.在民事法上,在狀書中事實的宣稱或陳述,以核實某人的申索。舉例說,就欺詐罪的申索中的基要事實元素作出聲言:Derry v Peek (1889) 14 AC 337(上議院); Skink Ltd (In Liquidation) v Comtowell Ltd & Anor [1994] 1 HKC 646(高等法院)。另見 Burden of proof; indictment; Prosecution。n.




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