

单词 Infectious disease
释义 傳染病
1. Includes Acute poliomyelitis; Amoebic dysentery; Bacillary dysentery; Chickenpox; Cholera; Dengue fever; Diphtheria; Food poisoning; Influenza A(H5); Influenza A (H7); Influenza A (H9); Japanese encephalistis; Legionnaires’ disease; Leprosy; Malaria; Measles; Meningococcal infections; Mumps; Paratyphoid fever; Plague; Rabies; Relapsing fever; Rubella; Scarlet fever; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; Tetanus; Tuberculosis; Typhoid fever; Typhus; Viral hepatitis; Whooping cough; Yellow fever: Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance (Cap 141) Sch 1. The master and surgeon of every vessel or aircraft shall make and sign a true declaration as to the presence or prevalence of infectious disease on board or during the voyage: s 32. 2. Any disease which may render the dead body of a person a danger to public health: Coroners Ordinance (Cap 504) s 41(4). See also Notifiable disease; Public health order.
1. 包括急性脊髓灰質炎(小兒麻痺)、阿米巴痢疾、桿菌痢疾、水痘、霍亂、登革熱、白喉、食物中毒、退伍軍人病、甲型流行性感冒(H5)、甲型流行性感冒(H7)或甲型流行性感冒(H9)、日本腦炎、麻風、瘧疾、麻疹、腦膜炎雙球菌感染、流行性腮腺炎、副傷寒、瘟疫、狂犬病、回歸熱、風疹(德國麻疹)、猩紅熱、嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症、嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症、破傷風、結核病、傷寒、斑疹傷寒、病毒性肝炎、百日咳、黃熱病:《檢疫及防疫條例》(第141章)附表1。每艘船隻的船長及隨航醫生或任何飛機的機長及隨航醫生均須就傳染病在船上、機上或在航行期間的出現或其流行情況,作出和簽署一份屬實的申報書:第32條。  2. 指任何可致使某人的屍體危害公眾衛生的疾病:《死因裁判官條例》(第504章)第41(4)條。另見 Notifiable disease; Public health order。




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