

单词 Fish
释义 魚/魚類
Any marine fish, crustacean or mollusc, other than an oyster: Marine Fish Culture Ordinance (Cap 353) s 2; ‘fish’ means all fish commonly used for human consumption and also means any other fish which is sold or offered for sale for human consumption: Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) s 2. All forms of aquatic life and turtles: Fisheries Protection Ordinance (Cap 171) s 2. ‘Fish’ is also within the meaning of ‘animal’ in various legislation: Prevention to Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (Cap 169) s 2; Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap 170) s 2; Veterinary Surgeons Registration Ordinance (Cap 529) s 2. See also Fishery; Fishing.
指任何海魚、甲殼類動物或軟體動物,但牡蠣除外:《海魚養殖條例》(第353章)第2條;「魚」指所有通常用作供人食用的魚,同時亦指其他出售或要約出售供人食用的魚:《公眾衛生及市政條例》(第132章)第2條。包括各種類的水中生物及海龜:《漁業保護條例》(第171章)第2條;在不同的法例中,「魚」亦包含在「動物」的定義中:《防止殘酷對待動物條例》(第169章)第2條;《野生動物保護條例》(第170章)第2條;《獸醫註冊條例》(第529章)第2條。另見 Fishery; Fishing。n.




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