

单词 Watching and besetting
释义 監視及包圍
Attending at or near any place in such numbers, or otherwise in such manner, as is declared to be unlawful: Trade Unions Ordinance (Cap 332) s 47(2). It is unlawful for one or more persons, acting on their own behalf or on behalf of a registered trade union or of an individual employer or firm, to attend in such numbers, or otherwise in such manner, as to be calculated to intimidate any person in that place, or to obstruct the approach thereto or egress therefrom, or to lead to a breach of the peace: s 46. However, it is lawful if they so attend merely for the purpose of peacefully obtaining or communicating information or of peacefully persuading any person to work or abstain from working: s 46. Watching and besetting premises may amount to a nuisance if the purpose is to compel a person on the premises or someone intending to come on to the premises to act against his or her will: J Lyons & Sons v Wilkins [1899] 1 Ch 255. See also Nuisance.
如在任何地方出現或臨近該地方因人數或因有關方式,而被宣佈屬非法者:《職工會條例》(第332章)第47(2)條。一個或一個以上的人代表其本人,或代表任何已登記職工會或代表任何個別僱主或商號而出現,如其出現因人數或因有關方式而屬刻意對該地方的任何人造成恐嚇,或妨礙出入,或致使社會安寧被破壞,則屬不合法:第46條。但如其出現目的僅是為和平地取得或傳達訊息,或和平地勸說他人工作或不工作,則屬合法:第46條。如監視及包圍處所的目的是為了迫使處所中的人、或擬入駐該處所的人放棄其意願,則該等行為可能會造成滋擾:J Lyons & Sons v Wilkins [1899] 1 Ch 255。另見 Nuisance。




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