

单词 Matrimonial domicile
释义 婚姻居藉
In family law, a place where the parties to a marriage ordinarily reside together whether or not it is occupied at the same time by other persons. The ‘actual matrimonial domicile’ is the place where parties truly, physically, and permanently live. The ‘constructive matrimonial domicile’ is the place where parties reside temporarily, with the intention of returning to their permanent place of residence. Parties may have more than one place of residence, but may have only one legal matrimonial domicile. Also known as ‘matrimonial home’. See also Domicile; Domicile of origin; Matrimonial home.
就家庭法而言,婚姻雙方通常一起居住之地方,不論是否同時由其他人佔用。「實際婚姻居藉」乃雙方如實及永久居住之地方。「法律構定的婚姻居藉」則是婚姻雙方暫時居住的地,他們並同時有計劃返回永久居住地。方婚姻雙方可有多於一個居住地方,但只可有一個法律婚姻居藉。亦稱為「婚姻居所」。另見 Domicile; Domicile of origin; Matrimonial home.




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