

单词 Deputy Judge
释义 暫委法官
A person, who is eligible to be appointed a judge of the High Court, appointed by the Chief Executive to be a judge of the Court of First Instance on a temporary basis when the office of any judge of the Court of First Instance becomes vacant for any reason or the Chief Executive considers that the interests of the administration of justice require that a deputy judge be appointed temporarily: High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 10(1)(a), (b). Subject to his terms of appointment, a deputy judge will have and may exercise all the jurisdiction, powers and privileges and will have and perform all the duties of a judge of the Court of First Instance: s 10(2). The Chief Justice may, alternatively, appoint a deputy judge for the purposes of a specified case or class of cases only or for a specified period only: s 10(3)(a), (b). The Chief Justice may terminate the appointment of a deputy judge at any time: s 10(4).
如任何原訟法庭法官的職位因任何理由而懸空或如終審法院首席法官認為為了執行司法工作的利益,有需要暫時委任一名暫委法官,則終審法院首席法官可委任一名有資格獲委任為高等法院法官的人為原訟法庭暫委法官:《高等法院條例》(第4章) 第10(1)(a)及(b)條。除委任條款另有規定外,暫委法官具有並可行使原訟法庭法官的所有司法管轄權、權力及特權,亦具有並須履行原訟法庭法官的所有職責:第 10(2)條。終審法院首席法官可只為了某宗指明的案件或某種指明類別的案件根據該款委任一名暫委法官;或根據該款委任一名暫委法官,任期只為某段指明的期間:第10(3)(a)及 (b)條。首席法官仍可在任何時間終止一名暫委法官的委任:第10(4)。




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