

单词 Without prejudice
释义 無損權利
A statement made without an intention to affect the legal rights of any person.
Courts and judicial system - Without bias. To ensure fairness, there must be no appearance of bias on the part of the trial judge or member of a tribunal: Metropolitan Properties Co (FGC) Ltd v Lannon [1969] 1 QB 577, [1968] 3 All ER 304 (CA). It is a fundamental principle that a judge must not hear evidence or receive representations from one side behind the back of the other: Kanda v Government of Malaya [1962] AC 322. See also Bias; Prejudice.
Legal practitioners - Not affecting the issues in question: Walker v Wilsher (1889) 23 QBD 335 (CA). A statement or admission made by either party in the course of furthering negotiations, which is expressed or otherwise proved to have been made ‘without prejudice’, to settle an anticipated litigation, is not admissible as evidence against the maker of that statement or admission: Scott Paper Co v Drayton Paper Works Ltd (1927) 44 RPC 151. The purpose of the ‘without prejudice’ privilege is to enable persons who are in litigation or who anticipate litigation to communicate with one another with a view to coming to an agreement. If, however, these communications between the parties result in a concluded agreement, they are admissible: Rush v Tompkins Ltd v Greater London Council [1989] 1 AC 1280, [1988] 1 All ER 549 (CA). The privilege, where it exists, covers not only the particular letter itself but also all subsequent parts of the same correspondence on both sides, even if they are not expressed to be ‘without prejudice’: Oliver v Nautilus Steam Shipping Co Ltd [1903] 2 KB 639 (CA). See also Compromise; Legal professional privilege; Prejudice.
Tort - Without harm or injury to another’s rights. A decision of a court in favour of one party may be made without prejudice to the rights of other parties to make claims at a future date. See also Prejudice.
法院及司法制度 - 沒有偏見。為確保公平,主審法官或審裁處成員不得表現出偏見:Metropolitan Properties Co (FGC) Ltd v Lannon [1969] 1 QB 577, [1968] 3 All ER 304(英國上訴法院)。基本原則是法官不得背著一方,從另一方獲取證據或聽取陳述:Kanda v Government of Malaya [1962] AC 322。另見 Bias; Prejudice。
執業律師 - 不影響受質疑的爭論點:Walker v Wilsher (1889) 23 QBD 335(英國上訴法院)。任何一方在進一步磋商中所作出的聲明或承認(明示或另行證明在「不妨礙」解決預期訴訟的情況下,已作出聲明或承諾),均不被接納作為針對作出該聲明或承認一方的證據:Scott Paper Co v Drayton Paper Works Ltd (1927) 44 RPC 151。「不妨礙」特權旨在促使身陷訴訟或預見訴訟的人,與其他人進行溝通,從而達成一致意見。如雙方透過溝通達成最終協議,則該等協議可被接納:Rush v Tompkins Ltd v Greater London Council [1989] 1 AC 1280, [1988] 1 All ER 549 (英國上訴法院)。該特權的適用範圍不僅涵蓋其自身的某封函件,亦包含雙方發出的同一函件的所有後續部份(即使它們未明示具有「不妨礙特權」):Oliver v Nautilus Steam Shipping Co Ltd [1903] 2 KB 639(英國上訴法院)。另見 Compromise; Legal professional privilege; Prejudice。
侵權 -   不會對其他人的權力造成傷害或損害。法院所作出的支援一方的決定,可以不損害其他方於日後提出申索的權力。另見 Prejudice。




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