

单词 Corruption of public morals
释义 敗壞社會道德
The adverse influencing of public morality. At common law, corruption of public morals is an offence. A closely related offence is outraging public decency. It is an offence to stage a public live performance of an indecent or obscene nature: Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap 228) s 12A. Closely related are the various offences concerning the publication of obscene materials: Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (Cap 390) pt IV. See also Obscenity; Pornography.
對社會道德的不良影響. 根據普通法,敗壞社會道德是刑事罪行。另一個跟它有密切關的刑事罪行是有傷風化. 公開進行有不雅或淫褻性質的真人表演,即屬刑事罪行:《簡易罪行條例》(第228章)第12A條。跟這些罪行有密切關係的還有關乎印行淫褻物品的各種罪行:《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》(第390章)第IV部。另見 Obscenity; Pornography。




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