

单词 Seaworthiness
释义 適航
1. The fitness of a vessel to undertake a particular voyage carrying a particular cargo. In marine insurance law, a ship is seaworthy when it is reasonably fit in all respects to encounter the ordinary perils of the seas of the adventure insured: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 39(4). There is an implied warranty in a voyage policy that the ship will be seaworthy: s 39(1). A seaworthy vessel is one in a fit state as to repairs, equipment, supplies and crew to encounter the ordinary perils of the voyage contemplated: Actis Co Ltd v Sanko Steamship Co Ltd (The Aquacharm) [1982] 1 All ER 390. The standard of fitness varies according to the nature of the voyage and the cargo. A ship remains seaworthy where there is temporary defect that can be remedied if the master and the crew do their duty: Steel v The State Line SS Co (1877) 3 App Cas 72. 2. At the common law, there is an implied undertaking in a contract of carriage, including a charterparty, that the ship on which goods are to be loaded must be seaworthy at the time when the loading begins: Cohn v Davidson (1877) 2 QBD 455, 3 Asp MLC 374. The ship must be seaworthy in the sense that she must be reasonably fit to encounter the ordinary perils which are likely to arise during the loading: McFadden v Blue Star Line [1905] 1 KB 697. She must also be reasonably fit for the reception of the goods contracted to be carried, and for carrying them on the voyage: Ciampa v British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd [1915] 2 KB 774. See also Bill of lading; Charterparty; Contract of carriage; Crew; Marine adventure; Ship; Shipowner; Time policy; Unseaworthy; Vessel; Voyage policy.
1. 船舶承擔在個別航程載運特定貨物的合適程度。在海上保險法,任何船舶,如在各方面均能合理地適合面對受保冒險所涉及的一般海險情況,即當作是適航的:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第39(4)條。在航程保單內有一項隱含保證,即保證船舶是適航的:第39(1)條。在維修、設備、物料供應和船員上,適航的船舶會處於適合的狀態,可面對一般預期會在航程中涉及的一般海險情況: Actis Co Ltd v Sanko Steamship Co Ltd (The Aquacharm) [1982] 1 All ER 390。合適的標準按照航程及貨物的性質而不同。如有船主和船員可盡其責任補救的暫時缺陷,則船舶仍然適航:Steel v The State Line SS Co (1877) 3 App Cas 72。  2. 在普通法,於運輸合約包括租船合約,有裝運貨物的船隻在裝運開始時必須適航的隱含承擔:Cohn v Davidson (1877) 2 QBD 455, 3 Asp MLC 374。船隻必須適航的意思,在於船隻必須合理地適合面對在裝貨期間相當可能會發生的一般海險情況:McFadden v Blue Star Line [1905] 1 KB 697。也必須合理地適合接收合約上要載運的貨物,及在航程載運貨物:Ciampa v British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd [1915] 2 KB 774。另見 Bill of lading; Charterparty; Contract of carriage; Crew; Marine adventure; Ship; Shipowner; Time policy; Unseaworthy; Vessel; Voyage policy。n.




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