

单词 Objection to discharge
释义 反對解除破產
Action taken by a trustee in bankruptcy or the Official Receiver to prevent the automatic discharge of a bankrupt after four years. The objection is made by filing a written notice with the court, or the trustee: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 30A(6). The grounds for objection are set out in s 30A(4). The primary purpose of the provision of the relevant period and the grounds for objection is to engage the court’s jurisdiction and to inform the bankrupt of the specific grounds of objection so that the bankrupt is not taken by surprise, particularly where different grounds are relied on by different parties: Re Li Tat Kong [2000] 3 HKC 360. See also Automatic discharge; Bankrupt; Official Receiver; Trustee in bankruptcy.
破產管理人或破產管理署署長所採取的用以阻止破產人在4年後自動取得破產解除的行動。該項反對可以向法院或破產管理人提交書面通知作出:《破產條例》(第6章)第30A(6)條。第30A(4)條訂明反對的理由。條文上的有關反對時限及理由,其主要目的為通過法院的管轄權通知破產人反對的特定理由,從而使破產人有所準備,尤其是不同的各方所依賴的理由均不一樣:Re Li Tat Kong [2000] 3 HKC 360。另見自動Automatic discharge; Bankrupt; Official Receiver; Trustee in bankruptcy。




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