

单词 Bargain and sale
释义 議賣
Formerly a method of conveying an interest in land or goods, invented after the (IMP) Statute of Uses 1535. The seller (bargainor) would transfer and sell the land or goods to the buyer (bargainee); immediately the contract was completed, equity regarded the seller as holding the land or goods to the use of the buyer if he had given valuable consideration. The use was then executed by the (IMP) Statute of Uses 1535, so that the buyer held the legal estate without having to go through the livery of seisin ceremony. The privacy of the bargain and sale led to evasion of payment of fines due to the King on alienation of the land. The (IMP) Statute of Enrolment 1535, requiring enrolment of bargain and sale transactions, was enacted partially to remedy this situation. As a result, the bargain and sale was superseded by the lease and release. See also Statute of Uses 1535; Use.
過往一種轉易土地或貨品權益的方法,於1535年土地享有權法令後創立。如賣方(賣主)轉讓及出售土地或貨品予買方 (買主),則有關的合約即時完成;如買方已付出有值代價下,衡平法會視賣方為買方的享有權而持有有關的土地或貨品。有關的享有權藉1535年土地享有權法令轉讓,因此買方無需透過財產所有權讓與的儀式而持有法定產權。議賣的私隱性導致逃避就土地轉與而須上繳英王的罰款。1535年登記法令規定議賣交易的登記,訂立此法令的部分目的在於補救這情況。結果議賣被租約和解除租約取代。另見Statute of Uses 1535; Use。




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