

单词 Protocol
释义 外交禮節
1. Rules relating to diplomatic formalities, official ceremonies, and etiquette observed toward persons of different rank, immunity, or privilege. 2. An international agreement which is less formal than a treaty or Convention proper. In contemporary practice, the term ‘protocol’ is reserved for a supplementary document to a treaty, which records a party’s compliance with the treaty; extends the treaty’s scope and interpretation, or amends, elucidates, qualifies, or annexes the treaty. An example is the (1972) Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961. Under an optional protocol, parties to a treaty may accept or reject additional commitments to the treaty. For example, the [First] Optional Protocol (1966) to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 provides for an individual to have the right to make a complaint against his or her own state to the Human Rights Committee. See also Convention; Optional protocol; Treaty.

1. 關於有不同階級, 豁免權或特權的人所遵守的外交手續,宮方儀式或禮儀的規則。  議定書 2. 議定書較國際協議或公約不拘形式。在現時的做法, 「議定書」一詞留供條約附屬文件之用, 紀錄當事人會遵守條約; 擴充條約的範圍及解釋, 或修正, 或說明, 或授予資格,或添加條約。例如1972年的修正1961年麻醉品單一公約的議定書。在任擇議定書之下,條約的當事人可接受或拒絕條約的附加責任。例如,1966年公民權利和政治權利國際公約的第一份任擇議定書(1966) 提供個人有針對其本國而向人權委員會作出投訴的權利。另見 Convention; Optional protocol; Treaty。n.





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