

单词 Proving a will
释义 證明遺囑
To establish the validity and admissibility of a testamentary instrument for the issue of a grant of probate by presenting relevant evidence to the court of probate; to propound a will. The executor must prove that the document is in fact a will; that it was intended by its maker to be a will (Re Berger (dec’d) [1990] Ch 118, [1989] 1 All ER 591 (CA)); that it complies with all the requisite formalities; that it has not been revoked and that the maker had the capacity to make a will (Smee v Smee (1879) 5 PD 84): Non-Contentious Probate Rules (Cap 10A) rr 5, 6, 10-14. See also Grant of probate; Probate Court; Proof of a will; Propound.

確立遺囑性質的文書的有效性和可接納性, 以便向遺囑認證法院出示有關的證據以發出授予遺囑認證;提呈遺囑。執行人必須證明有關文件實際上是遺囑; 及擬備人有意圖訂立為遺 囑 (Re Berger (dec’d) [1990] Ch 118, [1989] 1 All ER 591 (英國上訴法院)); 及遵守所有必需的正式手續; 及並未被廢除,及擬備人有資格訂立遺囑 (Smee v Smee (1879) 5 PD 84): 無爭議遺囑認證規則 (第 10A章)第 5, 6, 10-14規則。Grant of probate; Probate Court; Proof of a will; Propound。





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