

单词 Protest
释义 拒付證明

In relation to bills of exchange, an internationally recognised formal record of the dishonour of a foreign bill for non-acceptance or non-payment. It is a notary’s declaration on behalf of the holder that the bill was presented for payment but was not paid. The notary public must make and sign the protest (Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 51(7)) and invariably seals it with the notarial seal. The protest must contain a copy of the instrument, and must specify (1) the person at whose request the bill is protested; (2) the place and date of protest, the cause or reason for protesting the bill, the demand made, and the answer given, if any, or the fact that the drawee or acceptor could not be found: s 51(7). A foreign bill, which appears on its face to be a foreign bill, must be duly protested if dishonoured by non-acceptance or non-payment; otherwise the drawer and indorsers are discharged: s 51(2). See also Bill of exchange; Dishonour by non-acceptance; Foreign bill.
就有關匯票而言, 一份有關外地匯票因不承兌或不付款而不兌現的國際上承認的正式紀錄。拒付證明是代表持有人的公證人聲明,聲明已出示匯票, 但未獲付款。必須由公證人作出及簽署拒付證明(《匯票條例》(第19章) 第 51(7)條)及不變地以公證人的印章加蓋印章。 拒付證明必須包含一份文書的副本, 及必須指明(1) 請求就該匯票作出拒付證明的人; (2) 作出拒付證明的地方及日期、作出拒付證明的因由或理由、已作出的要求及獲給予的答覆(如有的話),或無法尋獲受票人或承兌人的事實: 第 51(7) 條。外地匯票如票面上看來是外地匯票, 在因不承兌或不付款而不兌現後,必須就該項不承兌或不付款而妥為作出拒付證明; 否則匯票的出票人及背書人的法律責任即獲解除:第 51(2) 條。另見 Bill of exchange; Dishonour by non-acceptance; Foreign bill。n.





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