

单词 Retirement of jury
释义 陪審員告退
After the judge has summed up, the jury leaving the body of the court for the purpose of considering its verdict in the jury room: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 22(2). Once the jury has retired, they should be kept together and no one should be permitted to communicate with the jury: Fong Chun-wai v The Queen (CACC 198/82, unreported). They should not be permitted to separate or leave the place appointed for their retirement without the express permission of the trial judge: O’Connell v R (1844) 1 Cox CC 413, 8 ER 1061 (HL). An officer of court is sworn and charged with the duty of keeping the jury together and to prevent access to them. Where the jury are locked up overnight, they should be told to suspend their deliberations until they return to the jury room in the morning because there is the risk that some of the jury may discuss the matter with only a few of their fellow jurors: R v Tharakan [1995] 2 Cr App Rep 369. The judge may discharge the jury if there is no realistic prospect of them reaching a verdict: R v Tam Chi-pang [1986] HKLR 1122. See also Jury deliberations.
法官總結證據後,陪審團離開法院以便在陪審團室考慮其裁決:《陪審團條例》(第3章)第22(2)條。一旦陪審員告退後,應把他們安置在一起及不得讓任何人與他們接觸:R v Fong Chi-wai(刑事上訴1982年第198號,未經彙報)。在沒有審裁處法官的明示准許下,陪審團不得離開所指定商議的地方:O’Connell v R (1844) 1 Cox CC 413, 8 ER 1061(上議院)。某名法庭人員會宣誓及負責把陪審員安置在一起及阻止任何人向陪審員說話或與陪審員通訊。如陪審團須通宵逗留,因為若干陪審員可能與其他同行的陪審員討論有關事宜,所以應通知他們暫停商議,直到他們早上回到陪審團室才繼續:R v Tharakan [1995] 2 Cr App Rep 369。如事實上沒有可能達到判決,法官可解除陪審員的職責:R v Tam Chi-pang [1986] HKLR 1122。另見 Jury deliberations。




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